Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Configuring repeater network using the ROIP-102 with Asterisk

Configuring repeater network using the ROIP-102 with Asterisk



Point to Point repeater config

To set up two ROIP-102 devices to link to radios over the internet, follow these steps:

  1. Connect and Configure Each ROIP-102 Device:

    • Connect each ROIP-102 device to the respective radio and ensure they are powered on.
    • Connect each device to a network (either via Ethernet or Wi-Fi).
  2. Access the Web Interface:

    • Use a computer connected to the same network as the ROIP-102 device.
    • Open a web browser and enter the default IP address of the ROIP-102 device (refer to the device manual for the default IP address).
    • Log in to the web interface using the default username and password (usually provided in the device manual).
  3. Configure Network Settings:

    • Assign static IP addresses to each ROIP-102 device to ensure consistent network connectivity.
    • Configure the network settings such as gateway, subnet mask, and DNS settings according to your network infrastructure.
  4. Set Up the Link between ROIP-102 Devices:

    • In the web interface, navigate to the settings for the ROIP link configuration.
    • For each device, set one as the "Master" and the other as the "Slave" (or configure both as peers if supported).
    • Enter the IP address of the remote ROIP-102 device to establish the link.
    • Configure port forwarding on your router if the devices are on different networks or behind NAT (Network Address Translation).
  5. Configure Radio Interface Settings:

    • Set up the audio and PTT (Push-to-Talk) settings according to the specifications of the connected radios.
    • Adjust the audio levels to ensure clear communication.
  6. Test the Connection:

    • Once configured, test the link by transmitting from one radio and checking if the signal is received on the other.
    • Make adjustments to settings if necessary to improve audio quality and signal reliability.
  7. Secure the Connection:

    • Enable any available security features such as encryption or password protection to secure the communication link.
    • Regularly update the firmware of the ROIP-102 devices to maintain security and performance.
  8. Monitor and Maintain the Link:

    • Use the web interface to monitor the status and performance of the link.
    • Perform regular maintenance and troubleshooting as needed to ensure continuous operation.

Additional Considerations:

  • Ensure that both locations have stable internet connections to prevent interruptions in communication.
  • If you experience issues with connectivity, check firewall settings, and ensure that the necessary ports are open for communication.
  • Consult the ROIP-102 user manual and support resources for specific configuration details and troubleshooting steps.

By following these steps, you should be able to link two ROIP-102 devices to radios over the internet effectively.


Point to Multi point repeaters using Asterisk server.

To set up an ROIP-102 device with Asterisk, follow these steps:


  1. ROIP-102 device(s)
  2. Asterisk server
  3. Network infrastructure with stable internet access

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Configure ROIP-102 Device:

  • Connect ROIP-102 Device:

    • Connect the ROIP-102 to the radio and power it on.
    • Connect the ROIP-102 to your network using an Ethernet cable.
  • Access ROIP-102 Web Interface:

    • Find the device's IP address using a network scanning tool or check the DHCP client list on your router.
    • Enter the IP address in a web browser to access the ROIP-102 web interface.
    • Log in with the default credentials (refer to the manual).
  • Network Settings:

    • Assign a static IP address to the ROIP-102 to ensure consistent connectivity.
  • SIP Settings on ROIP-102:

    • Navigate to the SIP settings section in the web interface.
    • Enter the following details:
      • SIP Server: IP address or hostname of your Asterisk server.
      • SIP Port: Default is 5060.
      • SIP User ID: A unique identifier for the ROIP-102 device.
      • Authentication ID: Same as the SIP User ID.
      • Password: A strong password.
    • Save the settings and reboot the ROIP-102 if necessary.

2. Configure Asterisk Server:

  • Install Asterisk:

    • Ensure Asterisk is installed and running on your server. Installation steps vary by operating system.
  • Configure SIP in Asterisk:

    • Edit the sip.conf file to add a new SIP peer for the ROIP-102 device:



  •     Replace your_password with the password set in the ROIP-102 SIP
   Configure Dialplan in Asterisk: 
  •     Edit the extensions.conf file to add a dial plan for the ROIP-102 device:

exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/roip102)
exten => 1001,2,Hangup()

This example assigns extension 1001 to the ROIP-102 device. Adjust as needed.

3. Test the Setup:

  • Register the ROIP-102 with Asterisk:

    • Check the registration status on both the ROIP-102 web interface and the Asterisk CLI (asterisk -rvvv).
    • Use the command sip show peers in the Asterisk CLI to verify that the ROIP-102 device is registered.
  • Make Test Calls:

    • Use a softphone or another SIP device to dial the extension assigned to the ROIP-102.
    • Verify that the call is routed correctly and that the radio communication works as expected.

4. Secure the Connection:

  • Firewall and Security Settings:

    • Ensure that only necessary ports (e.g., 5060 for SIP) are open on your firewall.
    • Use strong passwords for SIP authentication.
    • Consider using fail2ban or a similar tool to protect against brute force attacks.


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