Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to install SDR# SDRsharp on Windows

How to install SDR# SDRsharp on Windows


Please note you need the Zadig driver for the RTL dongle to work.

Goto this url to download the SDRSharp application by selecting the
SDR Software Package  http://airspy.com/download/ 
If you want to install the the RTL USB Zadig driver here is the link http://rtlsdr.org/softwarewindows

I also have added a google drive link with driver and SDR# software https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5zipGz4ccuASC1Cd0RQMGx6Qm8

Please note you will need internet access when installing the SDR# software as it install the dependency files itself.

Select the SDR# RTLSDR Plugin to download.

Browse the directory where you have downloaded the sdrsharp-x86.zip file and unzip the file.

Unzip the file SDR-install.zip

You should have new directory next to the sdrsharp-x86.zip file called sdrsharp-x86.
Browse inside the directory sdrsharp-x86 and tun the bat file install-rtlsdr.bat
(see screenshot below)

Black DOS console. (you need internet connection during this bat instillation as more files get download during this procedure)

Install.bat console installing application
The console will close when its complete.
There should be a new directory called sdrsharp.

If you use the latest SDRSarp the procedure is a bit different see screenshot below.
Run the Install-rtlsdr.bat to install the drivers.

Goto this directory and run the application called SDRSharp.exe (double clicking on it)

goto sdrsahap directory and run SDRSharp.exe

The SDRSharp application should be started.
Depending on how you connect to the RTL dongle you should select the correct option in the "Other sound card" pull down menu next to the play button.
There should be two options.
1)RTL-SDR/USB (This option is if you have the USB driver installed and the rtl dongle is connected directly on to PC or laptop port) zadig usb driver http://rtlsdr.org/softwarewindows
2)RTL-SDR/TCP (This option is when you want to connect to a remote RTL_TCP server and you then need to enter the server IP and Port) default is the same server

If all went well you can now hit the Play button and you should here sound.
Mite have to set the volume in you sound mixer properties.

Monday, January 20, 2014

HF Antennas impedance matching.

HF Antennas impedance matching.

Antenna BALUNs and UNIONs
Generally a balun consists of two wires (primary and secondary) and a toroid core: it converts the electrical energy of the primary wire into a magnetic field. Depending on how the secondary wire is done, the magnetic field is converted back to an electric field..

A Balun is a device that joins a balanced line (one that has two conductors, with equal currents in opposite directions, such as a twisted pair cable) to an unbalanced line (one that has just one conductor and a ground, such as a coaxial cable). A balun is a type of transformer: it's used to convert an unbalanced signal to a balanced one or vice versa. Baluns isolate a transmission line and provide a balanced output.

In a Balun, one pair of terminals is balanced, that is, the currents are equal in magnitude and opposite in phase. The other pair of terminals is unbalanced; one side is connected to electrical ground and the other carries the signal.

The Baluns (transformer tipe) also translate impediment  differences. (450Ohm to 50m )

Some impedance matching guide lined.

  1. A (1 to 1) BALUN is mostly used with center taped Dipoles. (50 Ohm Antenna to 50 Ohm Coaxial cable)
  2. A (2 to 1) BALUN is mostly used with HF quads and loop Antennas (100 Ohm Antenna to 50 Ohm Coaxial cable)
  3. A (4 to 1) BALUN is mostly used with Off center dipoles, Windom and Sky wire loops 80m and 160m band  (200 Ohm Antenna to 50 Ohm Coaxial cable)
  4. A (6 to 1) BALUN is mostly used with Off center dipoles that is installed higher than about 25m. (300 Ohm Antenna to 50 Ohm Coaxial cable) you could also use 300 ohm robin cable and the mach it to 50 ohm.
  5. A (9  to 1) BALUN is mostly used with end fed long wire antennas.  (450 Ohm Antenna to 50 Ohm Coaxial cable) you could also use 450 ohm ladder line and the mach it to 50 ohm.

50 Ohm coaxial cable vs 450 Ohm or 600 Ohm ladder or window line?

Coaxial cable 50,75 or 92Ohm

Ladder feed line

The primary advantages of coax with respect to ladder line are
  1. Most transceivers are equipped with 50 ohm coax connectors, whereas using ladder line requires a Balun or balanced tuner
  2. Coax cable is not affected by nearby metal objects, unlike ladder line
  3. The impedance of coax doesn't change when it rains or snows, unlike ladder line
The primary advantages of ladder line with respect to coax are

  1. Lower loss at frequencies of 28 MHz and up words
  2. Easier to make connections
  3. Can drive a balanced antenna (e.g. a dipole) without a Balun

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Application Blocked by security settings (Java error when running applets in Browser)

Application Blocked by security settings

I have upgraded my java and the java plugin in my Chrome browser and then tried to use my webSDR website that includes applets in its content and then got this error above.

All the Google links was referring to adding the webSDR link in
Control Panel > java > Security > Edit site list. (add webSDR url http://zr6aic.giga.co.za:8901/) and  (add webSDR url http://zr6aic.giga.co.za:8902/)

Well,  this did not work for me (the default java control panel java console did not have the security options to add site links)
(I used windows 7 with a Chrome browser) and  the java was update to java 7 update 3 (build 1.7.0_03-b05) when this error above appear. :-(

I had to run the application called "Configure java"

By entering it in my start menu search and then executing the application
Configure java

I then had the application tab option as described above to added the site links.
Click on the Security tab 

Click on the Security tab and add your web url in the edit site list

Click on ok and restart you browser  and try the url with java applet.

You will then get another message box "Do you want to run this application?"

Just accept and click run and your website with applet content should now work.

hope this help