Just got my MiniVNA Pro Antenna analyse and started analyzing my HF multi trap inverted V antenna and it did not look good. I will have to re-tune almost all the bands.
1) What's nice about the analyzer you can see all the band details in one sweep and the re-tune and compere the graphs.
2) Took me a wile to find out that resonant point is not necessary the lowest return los measurement but rather 0 phase difference between Tx and Rx signal when analyzer is connected directly on antenna. Its very easy to do with the blue tooth connection to MiniVNA hanging off antenna.
How to install the software on Linux
The VNA/J software will work on Windows, Linux and MAC as well. The compatibility was possible using the JRE 6 + (Java runtime from SUN microsystem) http://www.java.com
1) Check the java version installed on your linux
java -version
java version "1.7.0_05"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_05-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 23.1-b03, mixed mode)
2) If you don't have java install it. The SUN/ ORACLE version is better.
4) Change the permission on the file that you downloaded to have execution writes (vnaJ.2.8.3c.jar)
5) Run the command java - jar vnaJ.2.8.3c.jar in the file directory of the vnaJ.2.8.3c.jar
You could also create a short-cut with full path to java as well as to vnaJ.2.8.3c.jar file and execute it that way.
6)There is two ways to connect to the VNA device (via USB cable or via Bluetooth)
6.1) I will first explain how to connect the VNA to USB port.
On UBUNTU possibly the same on all Linux versions you need to find out what is the USB serial port of the VNA device. This can be done by disconnecting you VNA fro usb and the running the following command in Terminal tail -f /var/log/messages and the connect your VNA to USB on PC.
You should see something like this.
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.397530] usb 2-2.3: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 15
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.552690] ftdi_sio 2-2.3:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.552817] usb 2-2.3: Detected FT232RL
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.552826] usb 2-2.3: Number of endpoints 2
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.552834] usb 2-2.3: Endpoint 1 MaxPacketSize 64
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.552840] usb 2-2.3: Endpoint 2 MaxPacketSize 64
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.552847] usb 2-2.3: Setting MaxPacketSize 64
Jul 14 14:05:41 chackpc kernel: [917066.554902] usb 2-2.3: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB1

The serial port as in RED above will be the port to configure in your VNA/J apllication under the analyzer setting menu see details in Picture.
Select the test button after you have selected the Analyser model and port.
Should see something changing to green at the bottom indicating the driver and port works.
Select update. (Mite get warning that there is now calibration data the first time you us the program)
Follow the operting instruction to calibrate and normal use of VNA device.
6.2) I will now explain how to connect the VNA via Bluetooth (Very handy if you want to test the antenna without co-axle cable and connecting it directly to antenna)
Make shore the VNA is disconnected from USB and the on switch is switched on, there should be a blue led flashing at the bottom of device.
6.2.1) Then install Blueman applet ( synaptic package manager or commad line sudo apt-get install blueman)
Then select in ubuntu menu System > preferences > Bluetooth Manager
Search for VNA device if not already in found device's.
Write click on found device and pair with device using password 1234
Then write click on PRO sn 01150 and click on setup...
Then select connect to serial port
you will the see a popup something like serial connected to /dev/rfcomm
Start the application vnaj as in section 5 above.
Select analyzer menu and the setup as in section 6.1 above.
The problem you have now is the /dev/rfcomm is not in the list of serial devices.
The reason for the problem is it seems that the VNAJ program only display devices with tty at the front
To resolve the problem run the following commands.
ls /dev
you should see something like this
agpgart fd loop4 psaux ram6 sdc tty11 tty25 tty39 tty52 tty9 vcs vcsa7
autofs full loop5 ptmx ram7 serial tty12 tty26 tty4 tty53 ttyrfcomm0 vcs1 vga_arbiter
block fuse loop6 pts ram8 sg0 tty13 tty27 tty40 tty54 ttyS0 vcs2 zero
bsg hidraw0 loop7 ram0 ram9 sg1 tty14 tty28 tty41 tty55 ttyS1 vcs3
btrfs-control hidraw1 mapper ram1 random sg2 tty15 tty29 tty42 tty56 ttyS2 vcs4
bus hidraw2 mcelog ram10 rfcomm1 shm tty16 tty3 tty43 tty57 ttyS3 vcs5
char hidraw3 mem ram11 rfkill snapshot tty17 tty30 tty44 tty58 ttyUSB0 vcs6
console hpet net ram12 root snd tty18 tty31 tty45 tty59 uinput vcs7
core input network_latency ram13 rtc stderr tty19 tty32 tty46 tty6 urandom vcsa
cpu kmsg network_throughput ram14 rtc0 stdin tty2 tty33 tty47 tty60 usbmon0 vcsa1
cpu_dma_latency log null ram15 sda stdout tty20 tty34 tty48 tty61 usbmon1 vcsa2
disk loop0 oldmem ram2 sda1 tty tty21 tty35 tty49 tty62 usbmon2 vcsa3
dri loop1 pktcdvd ram3 sda2 tty0 tty22 tty36 tty5 tty63 usbmon3 vcsa4
ecryptfs loop2 port ram4 sda5 tty1 tty23 tty37 tty50 tty7 usbmon4 vcsa5
fb0 loop3 ppp ram5 sdb tty10 tty24 tty38 tty51 tty8 usbmon5 vcsa6
you should see something like rfcomm0 or rfcomm1 ....
the run the following command
ln -s rfcomm1 ttyrfcomm1
Then restart your vnaj program and you now will see a serial device in you setup list ttyrfcomm1
test and and update should work now.
Here is a scanned image on my Wideband antenna including coax cable done on Ubuntu.
(Antenna COMET DS-150S)
SWR and phase |
My Multi trap Dipole
SWR and Phase |
Very narrow band's (The multi trap dipole is 10 times better than this CHV-5X)